Our Partners
Funding Partners
Cheri McDaniel

Cheri is an ardent Rotarian and member of the Baton Rouge-Capital City Rotary Club. Her almost single-handed perseverance and her commitment to the ideals of Rotary helped purchase the patient transport van that replaced the original after it became unroadworthy.
Her contributions to the Rotary Donor Advised Fund for the clinic property purchase provided the funds necessary to complete the purchase. She spearheaded and championed the fundraising for making the clinic in Maphiveni a reality. All this for people she'll never meet or receive a thank you, but for whom her heart breaks.
Find out more about her here: YourMarkOnTheWorld...

PEPFAR/USAID funded CHIPS from 2013-2015 and PEPFAR/CDC funded CHIPS from 2016-2020. US Government funding has helped ensure that the impoverished population in the eastern Lubombo Region of Swaziland has been able to access health care, and specifically HIV care consistently for the past seven years.
Divinity Lutheran Endowment Fund

Divinity Lutheran Church in Towson, Maryland has been instrumental in providing the funds for major capital expenditures and operation shortfalls. The two mobile clinics we use on a daily basis is in a large part available because of the generosity of this church. Our bakie (small pick up) used for staff and supplies transport is also here because of their generosity.
Rotary International

The Rotary Club of Mbabane has partnered for three Global Grants to benefit the communities that Kudvumisa serves. The first Global Grant bought a new patient transport vehicle to replace the original van. The second Global grant was for the renovation of a building in Maphiveni for a clinic to serve this rural and isolated part of the country. The third is for a potable water tap for the community to provide an alternative source of water versus the Mbuluzi River.